Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Durban Town Hall

I really love this building. Now used as the post office building, was originally the Durban Town hall. Fact : The old building is perhaps remembered for the speech that war correspondent Winston Churchill gave from its steps after escaping from a Boer POW camp in Pretoria during the second Boer War
Also it occasionally goes out of time.

The sushi

This is Sushi. 
Or soosh manoosh as she is affectioantely called. She is a weird mix of collie and jack russel. She's a little cray cray. 
We have had her for a little while now and she is still scared of me, except when she is next to the bed, everywhere else she wont have anything to do with me. until she hits the beach, there she is scared of absolutely nothing. she is a real jekyll and hyde dog.

Jr More. Durban Harbour

Towards the end of 2012 when work had slowed a bit I decided to take a day off and do some things I wanted to do. I had been wanting to go to the maritime museum in Durban for ages so that was my first port of call. I just love the old steam tugs. Not the biggest boats in the sea but have so much immense raw power. The painting is of the J.R. More, which still floats in the harbour.


I painted this from a really cool photo taken by my mate Ben. This really cool place called Ichibana in Underberg. We stayed in a little thatch roof house by a small lake where we swam and zip lined into, but only once cos it was uber cold. The whole place is pretty much surrounded by mountains, and on the one side there is a beacon. There is an ag old tradition there, where anyone can race up there and try and set the fastest time. The records were set a long time ago buy some really fit peeps, but there are even a few kits that did t in sub 5 minute times. We decided to go for it. Ben, Kerry and myself. Needless to say I weezed up there in 10 minutes or so. I'm gonna get fit this year.